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Reading Writing Proficiency

先「學會閱讀」(learn to read),才能進一步「透過閱讀學習」(read to learn)而享受閱讀的樂趣。高閱讀量的起步在於養成習慣,並樂於持續執行。在閱讀中學會斷句不僅能培養預測、連結、推理、修正的思考流程,還可以與同儕和老師有更多的討論機會。ㄧ、二年級的孩子大約可以閱讀二十分鐘左右,閱讀後,建議和孩子討論所閱讀的故事內容。在享趣學,孩子們能挑選自己想閱讀的書籍,讓閱讀是一件自然而快樂的事,這便是享趣學的孩子喜愛閱讀的秘方。

Cultivating reading skills is not an immediate achievement. First, one must "learn to read" before advancing to "read to learn" and enjoy the pleasure of reading. The key to a high volume of reading lies in forming habits and willingly maintaining them. Learning to pause while reading helps develop thinking processes such as prediction, connection, reasoning, and correction. It also provides opportunities for discussions with peers and teachers, making reading enjoyable for children who love to learn. Want to inspire children to cultivate good reading habits? Of course, being parents or teachers with reading habits often makes the children around us enjoy reading! When children see you reading, they are more likely to imitate adult behavior. For children in grades 1 and 2, reading for about 20 minutes and discussing the story with them is recommended. Letting children choose their own books makes learning enjoyable, and reading becomes a natural and joyful activity.

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